Market uncertainty in crypto was once again higher on Thursday, as traders continue to anticipate next week’s Fed decision. Following a drop to a one-month low during Wednesday’s session, BTC rebounded, with prices now hovering below $40,000. ETH also rallied, attempting to break out of the $2,950 resistance level. BitcoinContinue Reading

Following a brief rally on Tuesday, BTC once again dropped below the $40,000 level during today’s session. Wednesday’s selloff has seen prices fall by as much as 4%, whilst ETH also declined by the same amount. Bitcoin The world’s largest cryptocurrency moved lower on Wednesday, following a brief rally duringContinue Reading

After falling to multi-week lows to start the week, BTC rebounded back above the $40,000 level on Tuesday. Today’s surge in price comes as ETH also rallied, climbing beyond the $3,000 point for the first time in three days. Bitcoin Following a disappointing start to the week, bitcoin saw itsContinue Reading

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey ponders Ethereum’s “single points of failure” and whether one man should be able to control an entire social media network, while News gives you the latest scoop in the world of ETH and BTC mining rigs. To top it all off, one economist predictsContinue Reading

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has been accused in a media report of agreeing to provide user data to Russia’s financial watchdog. The trading platform has refuted the allegations. It also insists it’s complying with Western sanctions imposed over Moscow’s invasion of neighboring Ukraine. Binance Consented to Russian Request for Customer Info,Continue Reading